My apartment

This starts from my couch, in my apartment in Chicago. I moved here from DC in Spring of 2021.

I have three trips planned between now and the end of summer. The first starts next week, when I take off for the West in my car. I’ll go up to Wisconsin (short drive), then to western South Dakota, to the Bitterroot mountains of Montana, to Moscow Idaho (my friend Dave), then to Yellowstone to join up with my sister and family before heading back to Chicago. The whole thing will take close to two weeks.

My second trip is to LA, almost as soon as I get back home. Not so much driving around this time. I’ll see my daughter, look up an old friend, and hang out.

Once I get back, I’ll start packing up my stuff and put it in storage, spend the month of August with my other sister north of Philadelphia, and get ready to move to Bordeaux, France from September through February.

This should make for a change from spending most of my time on that couch since I retired at the beginning of January. I hope to post pictures and add commentary as I go along. Let me know what you think.